GIVEAWAY ALERT between 7th-10th of February! πŸŽ‰

That would be Jerome Bettis

Jerome Bettis is the answer

Jerome Bettis is the answer

The player is Jerome Abram Bettis Sr.

Jerome Bettis.

  • The name was reportedly given to him by his Notre Dame teammates before he entered the NFL.

Jerome Bettis is the answer

Congratulations to @Gman_123 :tada:

:tada: Giveaway ON :tada:

Hurry up, the clock is ticking! :clock4:
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Read the Terms here.

:football: Question #9 :football:

** Which two players excelled in both football and played in the MLB? **

Bo Jackson and Deion Sanders

my answer is Deon Sanders and Bo Jackson

Bo Jackson and Deion Sanders are my answers

Deion Sanders and Bo Jackson

Both Bo Jackson and Deion Sanders are legendary dual-sport athletes who left an unforgettable mark on both football and baseball! :baseball::football:

Deion Sanders and Bo Jackson is the answer

Congratulations to @milesaway :tada:

:tada: Giveaway ON :tada:

Hurry up, the clock is ticking! :clock4:
Drop your answers below!
Read the Terms here.

:football: Question #10 :football:

** Which quarterback has the most rushing yards in their career? **

That would be Lamar Jackson

my answer is Lamar Jackson

Lamar Jackson is the answer

The player is Lamar Jackson