Boxing Day Bash: Canada’s Holiday of Sales, Sports, and Surprises


Boxing Day Trivia: Did You Know?

In Canada, Boxing Day (December 26th) is more than just a day after Christmas. It’s a significant holiday marked by:

Retail Frenzy: Boxing Day is one of the biggest shopping days of the year in Canada, with major sales and discounts across the country. Think of it as Canada’s version of Black Friday!

Hockey Tradition: Many Canadians celebrate the day with family and friends, often gathering to watch hockey games, a beloved national pastime.

Historical Roots: The holiday originated in the UK during the Victorian era when it was traditional for the wealthy to give gifts to their servants and those in need. Over time, the practice evolved into the modern-day sales and holiday celebrations we know today.

Public Holiday: In most Canadian provinces, Boxing Day is a statutory holiday, meaning many people get the day off work to relax and enjoy the festivities.

What’s your favorite way to spend Boxing Day? Shopping, relaxing, or maybe catching a game? Share your thoughts below! :tada::gift:

Boxing Day is a statutory holiday in only ONE province, not most.

Boxing day fof me is to be lazy and eat and play katan board game. Enjoying my xmas holiday from away from school work.