Contacting Moderator Team

We would like to ask our users to message “moderators” in a group message going forward.

All moderators will be able to view this as it will be directed to their main mailbox.

This improvement was mostly made in response to player input, and its primary goal is to reduce response times.

To send a message to a moderator click on your Profile picture , the Summery


From there - Messages

Click on New Message


In the filed Add user type in Moderators and the message will be received to our shared inbox.


tried sending out a pm, didnt work. whats the reason for this?

What is the issue you are having?

pm isnt working for me

Can you please tell when exactly in the process it’s not working? When you want to add Moderators to the conversation?

says the moderators arnt accepting messages right now

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We’ll take a look. Thanks for letting us know.

I’ll message you meanwhile to help you with your inquiry.

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