Deposit not honoured

I deposited via etransfer a week ago. The money was confirmed by bank to be deposited to bodog. I have had numerous back and fourths via emails with bodog where I have provided screenshots of the etansfer bank statements proving the transfer was successful. However my balance at bodog was never credited with the money and they have said my deposit failed. Pretty much just fleeced my money and won’t resolve it has been over a week.

Hi @Smitty519,

Sorry to learn that your deposit has not been posted and we do understand how concerning this can be. It appears that you were asked to provide some details via email, was this provided?

The exact same thing happened to me and still no update from Bodog service.

Please send a screenshot of the email that was sent here.

Funny im dealing with the same issue except i did my etransfer on oct 10th and only yesterday bodog chat agent told me to email them a statement from bank showing money was taken out even though i had already twice provided a photo in the chat with 2 different agents who both saw a photo from my online banking showing money was taken out and was told id have it refunded by oct 20th then they said oct 24th now yesterday im told i need to send a pdf file of the bank statement what a joke this site has become so damn frustrating