My Experience with CS Agents

As of the last week maybe week and a half its like all the agents i talk to seem like they are all on the top of the spectrum. Ive been lied to on a feww occasions now 4 being exact. Ive been brushed off and told i can not talk to a supervisor. In the real world when you operate a business and there are issues, and a good loyal great paying customer and has been a customer for more than im gonna say 20years give or take ask to talk to somebody in charge… its granted cause tgars jyst good customer service. Has anyone else had issues like this? If so please can you maybe give me some advice on how you handled the poor quality that is bodog’s customer service.

You would only be transferred to a supervisor if the issue was something that the agent could not handle, or needed approval for. Agents are trained to handle the majority of issues which is why they are there.

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Lol its okay paul i dont want a bodog response. That was just one of the problems there have been several others that i cant be bothered explaining. Ive explained them several time to many others and it just falls on deaf ears. I just personally feel that im just a piece of trash cause any business especially a well established business wood have tried to rectify the issues that ive had and they continue to snowball so im just goings to shut my mouth and pull back on the amout of business (cash) thatvivspend on here. Im tired of thevsame old responses from pretty much every agent that i talk with misusing a selxt few. Cause there are a few very pleasant people thatvive spoken with, and ivcan tell which one are genuine and yhe ones who just could careless. Like today i was talking with a couple agents throughout the day and it was rather distracting trying to explain what was happening and what im dealing with when there’s a party going on in the background like loud music and yelling etc. Is it not still a work environment and pplbare calling to receive help and the staff on duty are just having a blast!! Its extremely unprofessional and its quite possible one onf the reasons ive been told that the agent is going to do something and it doesn’t get done. Because theyre too busy having a time. Im sure this will get swept under the rug and ill be looked at like im a liar, which is why im just going to stop wasting my time and alot of my money. Maybe play 20 here or 20 there, but definitely not the thousands as per previous times.

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I had 2 bad experiences a couple weeks back. One agent lied and told me the bet was corrected and graded successfully, which it wasn’t. Hours later, another told me the bet was graded properly as a loss (which it wasn’t) explained the rules of the sport to me, which she new nothing about and that the SUPERVISOR agreed with the decision and it was final. Each agent took over 30 minutes, both occassions there were more than 10 minutes without any communication from the agents. Then I sent an email and was unsuccessful. Worst experience I have ever had on here with their agents/customer service.

I went to the forum and contacted Paul. Paul gets things done and the bet was eventually graded correctly.

If there was ever a time for an apology and compensation/bonus from their customer service agent team, that was it. Would have a hard time ever going back to the chat for anything going forward.

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Almost an identical experience, brother. I’m a bodog black member but you would have no idea based on how i’m talked to by support. It baffles me that the comprehension is so poor and they seem to want to do nothing to rectify this.

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Hi, can you please provide some details of when you were spoken to badly by the CS team so we can take a look.

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Im also a black member 7.7 million lifetime points lo. Its not all the agents though. There are a select few that are actually really nice to deal with, but there are alot that justvsay whatever to try and make you happy like sorry this and sorry that i understand this i understand that its all just fluff. You can tell which ines are genuine.

Superbowl Sunday i called and there was loud music and yelling going on it sounded like a party. I actually asked the guy if he was at a party. It was very unprofessional. I understand that its Superbowl, but i thought its still a business and ppl are calling or live chatting with issues concerning the their hard earned money that they are spending. And honestly paul i dont write it out with times and dates. There has been numerous occasions and i don’t see things really resolving. But going forward ill make sure every time now that I speak with agents ill make records of whom i spoke with time and dates. So that i can pass the msg on. Thank you for reaching out with concern. Its nice to know that in future i can rely on someone to do some digging.

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