Not getting SMS code when attempting to make a withdrawal

I’m trying to make a withdrawal and I’m not getting an SMS code. I’m still getting texts from friends so my phone isn’t the issue.

Why can’t I just have a code sent to my email instead?


Do you still need help with this?

Just a follow up here as this can be a number of issues, such as the phone blocking it, your network having issues, or an issue on our end. That being said we don’t see any issues with our SMS last night. Can you try another device to see if the SMS sends to another one? If not try resetting your phone to see if it resets.

Yes I still need help with this. I’d prefer if the code was sent to my email instead of SMS which would make this a lot easier. I tried resettig my phone as well - still nothing.

What do you mean try another device? My phone number only works on one device - my phone.

We cannot send this code to email I’m afraid. You can essentially update your account to try another device.

it’s always possible as well that this again is a network issue or that you’ve blocked our texts. If not using Iphone you can check your blocked messages to see if this is where they are being sent.

I haven’t blocked your texts and I’m not having issue receiving any other text messages - only the ones from bodog.

we are sorry but again there’s no common issues with our SMS that we’re seeing. This does appear to be an isolated issue.

Can you try the following:

  1. Make sure that the latest software updates are present on the phone, and that there are no applications interfering or filtering incoming SMS messages.
  2. Restart the device to force it to reconnect to the local base station.
  3. Re-test message delivery to check if the problem persists.
  4. Re-test message delivery using another device.
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Can I get my phone number changed on my account? Its my old phone number

@Cjbernauer, please reach out to CS via live chat in order to change your phone number on file.